In the 1970's and 80's, a television production company called MTM Enterprises had an adorable little mascot that was shown shortly after the credits of their television programs. This mascot was an orange tabby kitten by the name of Mimsie and she was used as a spoof of the MGM lion Leo. Her first appearance was that of her standard logo that was used on the Mary Tyler Moore show. In this version, Mimsie appears in a crouched position, looks up at the camera and meows. While filming this, the camera crew couldn't get her to meow; so they have decided to use a different approach. They used the footage of her yawning, ran the film in reverse and added a meow.
Throughout the years, there were different variations of the logo with Mimsie in different costumes which corresponded to the theme and the style of the programs. A few such memorable ones include the television show The White Shadow which featured a basketball with Mimsie; Remington Steele with her wearing a Sherlock Holmes like hat along with a pipe; Hill Street blues with her wearing a painted police uniform hat on her head; St. Elsewhere had her wear a surgical mask and scrubs; and Newhart, which kept the original unadorned footage but replaced the meow with Bob Newhart's voice over of the meow in his trademark deadpan style.
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