Directed by Alessia de Paola, Chastity is a film that stars a young Cher at the beginning of her career and it was written and produced by her ex husband Sonny Bono.
The movie, named after the main character, opens with her running toward the camera. Perhaps this was meant to be a symbolic gesture as to what is going on in her life. Having a troubled past, she finds herself on the run while encountering many strangers in hopes of finding someone that will make her happy. Along the way she encounters a man by the name of Andre in which she does find love; however, she ends up leaving Andre because she felt that things were getting too serious between them. After running from Andre, she finds herself in Mexico where she encounters an owner of a brothel who happened to be a lesbian. Chastity soon saw a mother figure in the "Madam" ; however, the madam felt differently. Being hurt by that discovery, Chastity returned to Andre to start a normal life. However, her issues caught up to her again as she thinks about her troubled past and while she thinks that she will never be loved by anyone, she runs away again. The final scene shows her having an emotional breakdown as a truck driver pulls to the side of the road and asks her if she needed a ride. Leaving the plot wide open as to what really happened to her in the end. Did she eventually find love? Did she have a tragic future? The end leaves the audience wondering what really happened.
Chastity flopped very badly in it's debut in 1969 and it discouraged Cher from acting in films until the 1980's. However, Sonny and Cher's child, Chastity,now Chaz, Bono was conceived during the filming of the movie.
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